Commercial fishing
HAESUNG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. is the world's leading manufacturer in commercial nylon monofilament fishing line. Having 200 tons of monthly production capacity, we export to 60 different countries around the world with approximate 10 percent of the global market.
Our established brands include MARINMAX (Premium grade) and SILTLON (Commercial high grade) nylon monofilament line used in all major deep-sea and surface longline fisheries. Our sports fishing line EXSUM is produced under our testing facilities. Our extensive product range encompasses all gear used in line caught fisheries.
We have MARINMAX (Premium grade), SILTLON (Commercial high grade), and TORNADO (standard grade) for nylon monofilament line used in all major deep-sea and surface longline fisheries.
Our sports fishing line EXSUM is produced under our testing facilities. Our extensive product range encompasses all gear used in line caught fisheries.
We are committed to producing and supplying best quality systems, gear and service to our valued clients. Our business is based on integrity and honor.
We, HAESUNG ENTERPSIE CO.,LTD., continue to strive to become the leading company with continuous R&D and will expand new business opportunities in maritime and fishing industry.
해성엔터프라이즈(주)는 자사브랜드를 개발하여 어업용 낚시는 제품 품질별로 나누어 MARINMAX(마린맥스), SILTLON(실트론), TORNADO(토네이도)로 수출합니다. 또한, 2000년대에 들어서 스포츠용 낚시 브랜드 EXSUM(엑썸)도 개발하여 제품 경쟁력을 강화하는 등 점진적으로 내수 시장 진출과 해외 수출을 확대하고 있습니다.
MARINMAX, SILTLON으로 대표되는 해양수산용 Fishing line에는 nylon mono & multi filament line, PET원사를 기반으로 한 Tetron code 등이 있으며, 고강도, 투명도, 유연한 특성을 보유하고 있습니다.
EXSUM으로 대표되는 해성엔터프라이즈㈜의 레저용 낚싯줄은 Nylon Monofilament, Fluoro Carbon 등이 있으며, 높은 결절 및 습윤 강도를 보유하고 있습니다. 또, 투명도 및 복원력이 뛰어나며, 내외마모성이 우수해 레저 낚시에 뛰어난 기능을 가집니다.
MARINMAX has an incredible high breaking strength and it is very pliable and flexible with low memory. It is useful for commercial fisheries to target high value pelagic fish and for sports fisheries to target trophy fish.
- Premium grade
SILTLON is designed for multi-purpose line commonly used, and widely accepted as main line and branch line for longline fishing. It provides exceptionally pliable, strong and abrasion resistance.
- Commercial high grade
TORNADO has been not only developed especially for economical commercial fishing, but also widely used for multi-purpose.
- Standard grade